Agentic includes built-in support for your agent to expose a REST API using FastAPI. This API is an alternative way to use your agent besides the command line.

To start the API server, using the serve method on AgentRunner:


Note that you will need to add some idle loop to prevent your program from existing. For convenience you can start the API server with the CLI:

agentic serve examples/

It may be useful to enable lots of (server side) logging:

AGENTIC_DEBUG=all agentic serve examples/

The AgentRunner runs a FastAPI service that exposes an interface to your agent.

There is a discovery endpoint which lists all agent paths:

This will list /basic_agent as an available path.

Your agent will expose endpoints at:<name of agent>


visit the embedded /docs page for quick testing:

Some of the main endpoints include:

GET /describe           Get the agent spec
POST /process           Start a request
GET /getevents          SSE stream events from a request
GET /stream_request     Process and stream events in one call